Ming-Shiu Hung, Ph.D.
Investigator / Associate Director
Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research
Email: mhung@nhri.edu.tw
- Ph.D., Cell and Developmental Biology, Rutgers University, USA (1997)
- M.S., Marine Biology, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (1987)
- B.S., Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (1985)
- Associate Director, Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research Institutes (2023/1- present)
- Acting Director, Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research Institutes ( 2022/11-present)
- Investigator, Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research Institutes (2022- present)
- Associate Director, Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research Institutes (2017/09-2020/08;2020/11- present)
- Acting Director, Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research Institutes ( 2020/09-2020/10)
- Associate Investigator, Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research Institutes (2011- 2022)
- Assistant Investigator, Division of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan (2004-2011)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France (2002-2004)
- Chercheur Associé, CNRS, France (2003)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1997-2002)
With the changes of dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle in modern society, obesity and its serious comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are growing concern of public health. The mechanisms contributing to the occurrence, progression and treatment of metabolic diseases and discovery of new pharmacotherpies are the interest of the laboratory.
The research activity includes identification and characterization of drug hits and leads by in vitro assay platforms, in vivo pharmacodynamic studies, in vivo efficacy disease animal models and mechanistic studies. Potential biomarkers associated with the drug targets and polypharmacology are also investigated. The previous effort has led to the identification of DBPR211. DBPR211 is a first-in-class drug candidate by antagonizing peripheral cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) and has the potential for treating metabolic disorders, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and fibrotic diseases. It received investigational new drug approval from both US and Taiwan Food and Drug Administrations.
- 2021 2021 National Innovation Award renewal and Excelsior Award, Taiwan
- 2019 Future Tech Award, Taiwan
- 2017 Future Tech Award, Taiwan
- 2016 13th National Innovation Award, Taiwan
- 2016 Highlight project of National Research Program for Biopharmaceuticals
- 2003-2004 Fellowship of Association Française des Diabétique
- T. K. Yeh, J.S. Song, P.W. Chang, J.C. Yu, C.H. Chang, F.Y. Liao, Y.W. Tien, R. Kuppusamy, A.S. Li, C.H. Chen, C.W. Chen, L.M. Lin, H.H. Chang, C.H. Huang, J.Y. Yao, M.H. Wu, Y.H. Peng, C.C. Hsueh, W.C. Hsiao, P.H. Chen, C.Y. Lin, S.H. Hsieh, C. Shih, M.S. Hung*, S.Y. Wu*, C.C. Kuo* and S.H. Ueng*. Discovery and development of a novel N-(3-bromophenyl)- {[(phenylcarbamoyl)amino]methyl}-N-hydroxythiophene-2-carboximidamide indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase inhibitor using knowledge-based drug design. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 229:114043, 2022.
- Y.H. Peng, F.Y. Liao, C.T. Tseng, R. Kuppusamy, A.S. Li, C.H. Chen, Y.S. Fan, S.Y. Wang, M.H. Wu, C. Shih, K.S. Shia, T.K. Yeh, M.S. Hung, C.C. Kuo, J.S. Song, S.Y. Wu, S.H. Ueng. Unique sulfur–aromatic interactions contribute to the binding of potent imidazothiazole indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase inhibitors. J. Med. Chem. 63:1642–1659, 2020.
- Y. N. Yeh, K.Y. Hsin, A. Zimmer, L.Y. Lin* and M.S. Hung*. A structure-function approach identifies L-PGDS as a mediator responsible for glucocorticoid-induced leptin expression in adipocytes. Biochem. Pharmacol. 166: 203-211, 2019.
- C.P. Chang, H.O. Huang, J.K. Huang, M.S. Hung, C.H. Wu, J.S. Song, C.J. Lee, C.S. Yu and K.S. Shia. Fluorine-18 isotope labeling for positron emission tomography imaging. Direct evidence for DBPR211 as a peripherally restricted CB1 inverse agonist. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 27: 216-223, 2019.
- Y. H. Chen, H.J. Lee, M.T. Lee, Y.T. Wu, Y.H. Lee, L.L. Hwang, M.S. Hung, A. Zimmer, K. Mackie and L.C. Chiou. Median nerve stimulation induces analgesia via orexin-initiated endocannabinoid disinhibition in the periaqueductal gray. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115: E10720-E10729, 2018.
- W.C. Hsu, M.Y. Chen, S.C. Hsu, L.R. Huang, C.Y. Kao, W.H. Cheng, C.H. Pan, M.S. Wu, G.Y. Yu, M.S. Hung, C.M. Leu, T.H. Tan and Y.W. Su. DUSP6 mediates T cell receptor-engaged glycolysis and restrains TFH cell differentiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115: E8027-8036, 2018.
- S.Y. Lin, T.K. Yeh, J.S. Song, M.S. Hung, M.F. Cheng, F.Y. Liao, A.S. Li, S.Y. Cheng, L.M. Lin, C.H. Chiu, M.H. Chiu, M.H. Wu, Y.J. Lin, W. Hsiao, M. Sun, Y.H. Wang, C.H. Huang, Y.C. Tang, H.H. Chang, Z.T. Huang, Y.S. Chao, C. Shih, S.L. Pan, S.Y. Wu, C.C. Kuo, S.H. Ueng. 4-Bromophenylhydrazinyl benzenesulfonylphenylureas as indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase inhibitors with in vivo target inhibition and anti-tumor efficacy. Bioorg. Chem. 77: 600-607, 2018.
- C.C. Chang, C.Y. Chen, H.C. Wen, C.Y. Huang, M.S. Hung, H.C. Lu, W.L. Chen and C.H. Chang. Caveolin-1 secreted from adipose tissues and adipocytes functions as an adipogenesis enhancer. Obesity 25: 1932-1940, 2017.
- L.W. Tung, G.L. Lu, Y.H. Lee, L. Yu, H.J. Lee, E. Leishman, H. Bradshaw, L.L. Hwang, M.S. Hung, K. Mackie, A. Zimmer and L.C. Chiou. Orexins contribute to restraint stress-induced cocaine relapse by endocannabinoid-mediated disinhibition of dopaminergic neurons. Nat. Comm. 7: 12199, 2016.
- S.Y. Lin, T.K. Yeh, C.C. Kuo, J.S. Song, M.F. Cheng, F.Y. Liao, M.W. Chao, H.L. Huang, Y.L. Chen, C.Y. Yang, M.H. Wu, C.L. Hsieh, W. Hsiao, Y.H. Peng, J.S. Wu, L.M. Lin, M. Sun, Y.S. Chao, C. Shih, S.Y. Wu, S.L. Pan*, M.S. Hung* and S.H. Ueng*. Phenyl benzenesulfonylhydrazides exhibit selective indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase inhibition with potent in vivo pharmacodynamic activity and antitumor efficacy. J. Med. Chem. 59: 419-430, 2016. (*co-corresponding author)
- Y.H. Peng, S.H. Ueng, C.T. Tseng, M.S. Hung, J.S. Song, J.S. Wu, F.Y. Liao, Y.S. Fan, M.H. Wu, W.C. Hsiao, C.C. Hsueh, S.Y. Lin, C.Y. Cheng, C.H. Tu, L.C. Lee, M.F. Cheng, K.S. Shia, C. Shih, S. Wu. Important Hydrogen Bond Networks in Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) Inhibitor Design revealed by Crystal Structures of Imidazoleisoindole Derivatives with IDO1. J. Med. Chem. 59: 282-293, 2016.
- J.S. Wu, S.Y. Lin, F.Y. Liao, W. Hsiao, L.C. Lee, Y.H. Peng, C.L. Hsieh, M.H. Wu, J.S. Song, A. Yueh, C.H. Chen, S.H. Yeh, C.Y. Liu, S.Y. Lin, T.K. Yeh, J.T. Hsu, C. Shih, S.H. Ueng*, M.S. Hung*, SY Wu*. Identification of Substituted Naphthotriazolediones as Novel Tryptophan 2,3-Dioxygenase (TDO) Inhibitors through Structure-Based Virtual Screening. J. Med. Chem. 58: 7807-7819, 2015. (*co-corresponding author)
- W.C. Hsiao, K.S. Shia, Y.T. Wang, Y.N. Yeh, C.P. Chang, Y. Lin, P.H. Chen, C.H. Wu, Y.-S. Chao and M.S. Hung*. A novel peripheral cannabinoid receptor 1 antagonist, BPR0912, reduces weight independently of food intake and modulates thermogenesis. Diabet. Obe. Metab. 17: 495-504, 2015. (*corresponding author)
- M.F. Cheng #, M.S. Hung #, J.S. Song, S.Y. Lin, F.Y. Liao, M.H. Wu, W.C. Hsiao, C.L. Hsieh, J.S. Wu, Y.S. Chao, C. Shih, S.Y. Wu, and S.H. Ueng. Discovery and structure–activity relationships of phenyl benzenesulfonylhydrazides as novel indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase inhibitors. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Let. 24: 3403-3406 (2014).
- C.P. Chang, C.H. Wu, J.S. Song, M.C. Chou, Y.C. Wong, Y. Lin, T.K. Yeh, A.A. Sadani, M.H. Ou, K.H. Chen, P.H. Chen, P.C. Kou, C.T. Tseng, K.H. Chang, S.L. Tseng, Y.S. Chao, M.S. Hung* and K.S. Shia*. Discovery of 1-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl)-N-(piperidin-1-yl)-4-((pyrrolidine-1-sulfonamido)methyl)-5- (5-((4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)ethynyl)thiophen-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide as a Novel Peripherally Restricted Cannabinoid-1 Receptor Antagonist with Significant Weight-Loss Efficacy in DIO Mice. J. Med. Chem. 56: 9920-9933, 2013. (*co-corresponding author)
- H.W. Chen, H.Y. Chen, L.T. Wang, F.H. Wang, L.W. Fang, H.Y. Lai, H.H. Chen, J. Lu, M.S. Hung, Y. Cheng, M.Y. Chen, S.J. Liu, P. Chong, O.K.S. Lee, and S.C. Hsu. Mesenchymal stem cells tune the development of monocyte-derived dendritic cells toward a myeloid-derived suppressive phenotype through growth-regulated oncogene chemokines. J. Immunol. 190: 5065-5077, 2013.
- R.S. Vijayakumar, Y. Lin, K.S. Shia, Y.N. Yeh, W.P. Hsieh, W.C. Hsiao, C.P. Chang, Y.S. Chao, and M.S. Hung*. Induction of fatty acid oxidation resists weight gain, ameliorates hepatic steatosis, and reduces cardiometabolic risk factors. Int. J. Obesity 36: 999-1006, 2012 (*corresponding author)
- Y.K. Wu, C.F. Yeh, T.W. Ly and M.S. Hung*. A new perspective of cannabinoid 1 receptor antagonists: Approaches toward peripheral CB1 blockers without crossing the blood-brain barrier. Curr. Top. Med. Chem. 11: 1421-1429, 2011. (*corresponding author)
- C.H. Yao, J.S. Song, C.T. Chen, T.K. Yeh, M.S. Hung, C.C. Chang, Y.W. Liu, M.C. Yuan, C.J. Hsieh, C.Y. Huang, M.H. Wang, C.H. Chiu, T.C. Hsieh, S.H. Wu, W.C. Hsiao, K.F. Chu, C.H. Tsai, Y.S. Chao and J.C. Lee. Discovery of Novel N-β-d-Xylosylindole Derivatives as Sodium-Dependent Glucose Cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors for the Management of Hyperglycemia in Diabetes. J. Med. Chem. 54: 166-178, 2011.